You're Invited! Please join me and my guest Tomasz Misztal for time together in the garden and studio.
I am hosting my Open Art Studio and Garden Gallery this year on the same weekend as the Lake Oswego Festival of the Arts.
I will also be showing a presentation from my recent trip to Oaxaca, Mexico where we enjoyed a very special art and cultural experience. We will be presenting at 1 PM in the Studio.
Please add my event to your weekend calendar and feel free to stop by before or after the Arts Festival!
June 25 and 26 (Saturday and Sunday)
10 AM - 2 PM
313 SW Maricara Street
Portland, OR 97219
Please park on 4th street, so that we don't intrude on our neighbors space.
I feel so fortunate to have my friend and guest, Tomasz Misztal with us, showing his print works.