Community Forum on Zenith Energy & The Critical Energy Infrastructure Hub
This is the third “Rumble On The River” in a series of free community forums.
These forums are designed to inform and activate us on the threats to public health, safety, climate justice and our environment stemming from the Critical Energy Infrastructure (CEI) Hub and Zenith Energy’s oil-by-rail operations. The CEI Hub is a six- mile stretch of aging tank farms located in NW Portland along the Willamette River. Within the Hub is Zenith, bringing dangerous oil trains through our communities.
The CEI Hub holds more than 90% of all liquid fuel in Oregon. The entire Hub is in an earthquake liquefaction zone. The occurrence of the predicted earthquake would be catastrophic for our communities, the ecosystem and the entire lower Columbia River.
WHEN: Thursday, December 8th
Doors & Info Tables @ 6:00 PM Panel @ 5:30
WHERE: Multnomah Friends Meetinghouse 4312 SE Stark Portland 97215 MAP